Wednesday, January 10, 2024

My News on The News

Something I have been made aware of time and time again is how susceptible I am to all the many "sources" of news there are out in the world. If you asked me about any current event I'd have to look at you dumbfounded, but if you TOLD me about any current event, that was it, whatever you said was fact to me - whether the sky was purple, dogs can talk, or the Sun revolved around the Earth, to me it made no difference as, world events did not trouble my adolescent mind. And while I am still not extremely engrossed in the current events of the world, I have grown better at learning what's going on around me and where my sources come from. So here are my top 5 most reliable news sources, in order: 

  • The Weather Channel:
    • As basic as it is, the Weather Channel is still one of the most trusted program to use when figuring out what is coming and the damage that was left in it's wake. Just recently, an incredibly powerful Storm/Monsoon caused the emergency close of schools across the nation and with the knowledge that my school would choose to stay open, I went to my weather channel app to find out what times to stay inside and just what to prepare for when the day came. I don't just recommend the channel as an article to read and forget about, but download it to your devices and before going out into only God knows what type of weather, open it and step out ready every morning (Especially living in the state of North Carolina where one day can hold five different climates)!
  • CNN:

    • This particular source is one that I personally grew up with as I still remember going from 'CNN10' to just 'CNN' as it was one of the largest "big kid" changes in my life. CNN has a global reach and keeps a vast network of reporters and correspondents that deliver news from diverse perspectives and even goes as far as to thoroughly fact check every source they interview. A source that prioritizes on site voices to describe all that is happening gives the most in depth view on the world around us. 
  • BBC
    • BBC stands as a trustworthy source. They clarity they use to deliverer news to make it accessible for even the most tech illiterate of people or those who don't care for the influx of news that doesn't especially pertain to them. On to of that, one can appreciate their commitment to fostering a sense of reliability that aligns with me personally because of its unbiased take on information, even political. Recently I've come to learn of their vast storage of podcasts and short to-the-point videos for me to pick up and use as a fast-recap of what is going on outside of my doors.
  • Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update: 
    • As unexpected as this may be, Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update truly is my favorite go-to for legit news updates. The hosts never fail to to bring the humor and sarcasm to each update adding just enough knowledge to keep me informed. Don't get me wrong it truly is pure satire, but the methodology to the reel helps me stay informed on all areas of the news broadcast (sports, popular culture, politics...), without making me feel like I'm drawing through a bullet pointed lecture. It's like sitting down with a best friend who makes classes, fun and boring lessons, interesting! It simply cannot be viewed as a "traditional" news source, but in a despairing world, it is a necessary -refreshingly funny- aid to staying connected. 
  • Google News
    • Then my all time favorite news search engine; Google! As I've stated, I am not a news savvy person and am definitely not good with a wide influx of information either, and so google has become my perfect in-between. Not only is it able to aggregate news from various sources, but it takes tally on my likes and dislikes and tailors what answers it gives me based off of that (Want to know who dated so-and-so? Well I know you like this movie and guess what? This actor dated so-and-so and now I will put their name at the top of the list so you can see it first and be surprised)! It's the best personalized news collaborator that one can ask for all free of charge! Even in a world of busy bees, Google caters. With a feature called News Showcase, a tab that keeps the current events broadcasted by various different outlets together to sort through at your own content, Google truly goes to reach all it can.   

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